On Friday, September 13, 2013, The Washington Free Beacon published an article titled: Declining Power: Admiral: U.S submarine forces decline as forces of China, Russia, Iran advance undersea warfare capabilities. Adm. Richard Breckenridge, director of Navy undersea warfare programs, tells at a hearing that China, Russia, and Iran have all increased their undersea warfare capabilities. While the U.S navy is cutting our submarine force by 30 percent. The U.S still has a lead over Russia as of right now, but Adm. Breckenridge tells the House Armed Service seapower subcommittee that unless we do something we won't have that lead for much longer.
We can't just sit around and wait until China, Russia, and Iran have substantially more undersea warfare capabilities then the U.S. China's submarines and missile capability have advanced in numbers. Also, both China and Russia have been building and equipping new guided missiles and adding new submarines to their fleet.
The U.S submarine level in submarines is substantially lower then the Chinese. If we went to war with China right now we would be brutally out gunned in the water. So, to prevent a worse decline of undersea warfare the U.S Navy has four priorities for its submarine strategy. As Adm. Breckenridge said. “There is no allowance for any further delay.”
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