Gay marriages first became legal in Massachusetts on May 17, 2004 after that 15 more states have legalized gay marriages. Texas along with 33 other states still refuse to legalize gay marriages. I believe that Texas should legalizes gay marriages. The government shouldn't have the power to tell you who you can or can not marry, after all people can't help who they love. If a guy wants to marry another guy or vise versa, and they truly love each other then the government shouldn't stop them from being happy. What is going to happen if same-sex marriages were legal?
According to Freedom to Marry the government hasn't given gay marriages the same benefits as normal marriages, which in my opinion is bullshit. After all they're like a normal marriage just of the same sex. But the government denied them benefits that a normal marriage would have like with their health, debts, divorce, housing, insurance and so forth.
People have made such a big deal about other states legalizing gay
marriages, just because some people want to marry the same sex people
doesn't mean we should treat them any differently then a normal person.
After all they are still humans like you and me. Some people believe that it's a slippery slope and could lead to people to want to marry their dog. I believe that if people want to marry their dog go for it, it might be really weird but the United State is a free country. Which I think should mean the freedom to marry anyone you want in whatever state you live in. Homosexuals in Texas shouldn't have to leave their home just to get married.
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