Bryce Covert and Alan Pyke wrote an article on
Think Progress on October 10, 2013. The title of the article is:
Not Everything Is Back To Normal Now That The Shutdown Is Over. The authors intended audience I believe is America, to let us know that even though the government has reopened the national parks, furloughed employees went back to work, and federal money started flowing back into different programs, a lot of people and businesses are still suffering from the shutdown.
Many of the small businesses were hurt pretty bad during the shutdown and now some of the side effects are taking it's toll. LaJuanna Russell, president of
consultancy Business Management Associates Inc, is considered about the work being backed up now because the business was closed down for the shutdown. Now there is more work to get done but LaJuanna doesn't have the money to pay her employees to work overtime. So she'll have to try and get all the extra work done in the time frame she has, which will be very difficult. But the biggest impact is the delayed payments on invoices, which means less money to spend and she didn't have a lot of money to spend in the first place before the shutdown.
Other small businesses owners who have been waiting on
from the
Small Business Administration may also have to wait around and do nothing for a little while longer. The backlog of all the applications that were put on hold while the government was shut down may take up too six weeks or more to work through.
Also at NASA several of the scientist's experiments had to be put on hold which now means that they have to start all their research all over again. Lee Stone a research for NASA had to stop his research with the Ames Research Center 20-g centrifuge, and now he is afraid that the opportunity many have all ready pasted for him to find good research.
Several other people have or are still suffering from the shutdown. Some people that were laid off are now living day to day hoping to have enough to survive. So even though the government is on and running now, people still feel the effects of it being shut off for several weeks. The authors believe that the government hurt more then it helped with the shutdown. They lost billions of dollars by shutting it off and closing a lot of businesses, now people are trying to make up for the weeks that they were unable to do anything, that will be a huge challenge.